A two week free trial is available at the WingTsun Martial Art School in Watford.

The trial is part of a celebration after Si Hing Chris Watts was handed the club from Sifu Damion.

Watts, who teaches at the club based at Bushey Leisure Centre, has been practising martial arts for 20 years.

Anyone from the age of 13 upwards is welcome to the self defence classes which will improve your fitness, flexibility and coordination. Classes are every Wednesday at 7.45pm.

For more information contact Chris on 0780 983 9527 or email him at chriswatts@wtwatford.co.uk Alternatively log onto www.wtwatford.co.uk.

WingTsun is the largest Martial Art Organisation in the world, with over one million students in over 64 countries and is trained by many law enforcement agencies around the world.