Edo Kayembe was praised by head coach Tom Cleverley at the end of pre-season – two appearances and three league goals later the Congo international has carried his form and attitude into the league season.

Having scored five goals in total in the last two seasons with Watford, Kayembe is one of several players clearly benefitting from the shape and system Cleverley is deploying.

“He’s been brilliant for us, and is an example for us day in day out on how to train, how to prepare and how to play,” said the Hornets boss.

“He thoroughly deserves the start to the season he’s having.

“I said in pre-season that he was the example for the rest of the group. Right now he’s got some close seconds and I don’t want to teacher’s pet him, but he thoroughly deserves it.

“Edo has pace, power, he’s got great technique, and all of those attributes lend themselves to playing a little bit further forward.

“With Tom and Moussa sort of controlling the possession and feeding Edo and Giorgi, we have a real good balance in the middle of the pitch.

“His work in pre-season and in training means I’m not surprised at the start he’s made, and I thoroughly expect him to keep on.”

Cleverley pointed out that while Kayembe took the scoring plaudits, the roles played by others in the team make that possible.

“The system lends itself to the attacking midfielders and the wing-backs having really good productivity in front of goal,” he said.

“What it does take away from is your No.9, who ends up doing a bit more of a job for the team, so I want everyone to respect and understand that.

“I don’t want anyone to underestimate the job that Bayo and Mileta do for the team, and hopefully they will get rewarded with more moments like Mileta had last week at Millwall.”