The actual amount of new investment generated by Watford’s digital equity offer has stalled with less than £4,500 added to the overall total in the last week.

At 9.30 this morning (Friday), the figure of money actually invested in the offering stood at £3,817,326.

That sum has risen by just £4,279 in the last seven days.

The amount that has actually been generated and invested in the scheme can be tracked in real time on the website of Seedrs (, which is the English arm of the American company Republic, who are Watford’s partners in the venture.

The amount in dollars shown on is higher because it reflects not only the sum actually invested but also adds in commitments/pledges that have not yet come to fruition.

That’s why the number on the Republic site, which this morning was $6,627,740, is more than the actual amount invested that is shown on the Seedrs website.

It suggests that around £1.3m of money committed to the new digital equity offering has not yet actually been invested and remains as a pledge.

The amount raised so far has been generated by 2,641 investors, meaning the average amount invested is around £1,445.

The digital equity scheme flew out of the traps and raised more than £3.7m inside two weeks.

However, new investment in the three weeks since has been just £87,901, meaning 98% of the funds raised through the digital investment scheme arrived in the opening fortnight.

Similarly, there have only been 274 new investors in the last three weeks – 90% of those who have invested did so in the 14 days after the offering was launched.

As the Seedrs site states, there are still 28 days left for those who wish to invest to do so, and interest in club football is likely to grow next week after the welcome distraction of the success of the England team in the Euro 24 finals.

Similarly, the Copa America is being hosted in the United States, where this digital equity scheme has largely been targeted. When that tournament finishes next week there may be a return to greater interest in the new English league season.

The start of the 2024/25 Championship campaign comes just as the remaining days in which to invest draw to a close, and so the club will doubtless be hoping that the build-up to the new season, some more new signings and general excitement about the big kick-off nudge those who haven’t invested yet to do so.

Nonetheless, it’s going to take quite some increase in current rates of investment for Watford to get close to raising the full £17.5m-worth of shares made available when the scheme launched last month.