Many readers may recognise the headline of my column this week as the slogan used by the British Army for its recruitment campaigns back around 2015 or so.

The slogan was designed to reflect the fact that the British Armed Forces were expertly trained and by joining you would literally be part of the greatest team in the world.

Fast forward and that message has finally been changed to ‘You Belong’.

The reasoning behind the change of approach was that it was felt that ‘Be the Best’ could be seen as “elitist and very non-inclusive”.

Young people the Army are trying to attract today, it seems, have very different values when making their choices. A sense of belonging being one. Having team spirit and camaraderie not a priority.

I wondered, given what I believe are the parallels for retired footballers and veterans, if these criteria for younger generations are also reflected on the pitch. In life as a whole. For we often say that football is a reflection of society’s thinking.

Could we consider that the trend for zonal marking is football’s answer to not wanting to take personal responsibility?

Could it actually be perceived that a constantly passing game enables avoidance of decision making? Is VAR our own self-doubt coming into play?

Is there a tendency to overthink everything today and as a result undermine confidence, whatever we are doing?

Not long ago I stopped to chat to a couple of Chelsea Pensioners by Parliament. I asked them how old they had been when they signed up. One was 14, the other 15.

I asked them what it had felt like being so very young and finding themselves out on the front line having to take a gun and possibly be in a position where they needed to use it. Were they afraid?

“Oh yes, terrified” was the answer, before they winked at me and set off on their way in peals of laughter.

They came from a generation where you just ‘got on with things’, you didn’t over-think and you pulled together and got the job done.

An attitude that one Mr Graham Taylor knew all about. He may have taken on an odd combination of players, but he drilled us so that we each knew our job and then worked seamlessly together and with purpose. Whatever the challenge we faced, he was very clear on one thing. 

The route to a win was to ‘give of your best’.

Was Graham Taylor strict?

Luther: That’s Mr Taylor as all the staff called him - or Boss.

Graham naturally commanded respect. Knowing how and when to be respectful was drilled into us lads as the ‘Watford Way’, so I can tell you that when I read of players today acting disrespectfully, I hold my head in my hands.

When you consider Graham’s support of the Armed Forces you realise that he very much reflected the qualities that one would expect to find in the Armed Forces. From being disciplined to having that confidence that inspired others to follow his lead.

We’ve now had four first-team players punished for poor timekeeping. What do you think?

Luther: Whether it is by their general behaviour, or simply turning up late, I have no time for it. Nor do I think being given a sharp reminder of what is expected of you is wrong. 

It reminds me of the day Cally missed the coach. We were heading for Nottingham and he was late. 

As the coach moved slowly up the road we saw him driving like the clappers into view!

“Boss, he’s here, it’s Cally” was the cry, but Graham simply said: “Martin, keep going.”

And we did until we got to services just outside Nottingham and Cally was finally able to catch us.

Now the question you might have is would we as a team suffer in the game as a result of this lesson. What if he hadn’t made it?

It never crossed our minds, the Boss knew he had players who could step straight in if needed so he didn’t give it a second thought.

And I can assure you nobody was late after that!

You mention Graham Taylor and the military - is it something specific?

Luther: Well you may be surprised to hear that he cycled all the way to Paris raising money for the Royal British Legion.

What people may find even more interesting is the money raised when he passed away meant a significant sum could be donated to the National Arboretum 

Saturday will be the club’s Remembrance Day tributes. You’ve been very involved: what can we expect to see?

Luther: Saturday is Armistice Day, one which is about laying down arms and agreeing to a peaceful future. If you asked me if I had a wish on Saturday that would certainly be it. 

In terms of what people can expect to see, I am quite excited really. Forces United, part of the Former Players Club, has been working with veterans and serving in Watford for some time as a tribute to Graham.

I have set up a Watford Branch of the British Legion and for the first time its new standard will be seen on parade, at the Vic.

Everyone remembers the wonderful foil display by Roy and the 1881 - this year we are doing things focused on the RBL and giving thanks to those supporters who have served.

A piper will be at the ground and we have the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire leading proceedings, as the King’s representative.

For me personally the most exciting thing is the opening of our new Forces United Lounge, thanks to the Club, to support veterans and those serving from our town.

I have invited a number of veterans to the game and at half time they will parade round the pitch so we can show our appreciation. I also have a lovely singalong tribute by Watford fan Clare Cordell, who appeared on The Voice.

• Luther Blissett is the Watford FC Club Ambassador and founder of the Former Players’ Club