Rachel Reeves was interrupted by hecklers at the Labour Party conference today (Monday, September 23).

The Chancellor addressed the Labour Party conference, attempting to strike a more upbeat tone following months of stressing the need to take “tough decisions” to deal with the legacy she inherited from the Tories.

But the peace didn't last long, as a group of protestors interrupted her speech early.

According to PA: "A protester has been hauled out of Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ conference speech by security.

"The heckler shouted about the sale of arms to Israel before he was removed from the hall.

"After he had been removed Ms Reeves said Labour was no longer a party of protest."

After the hecklers were removed, Ms Reeves chose to attack the Tories. She said: "Where will the Conservatives go next? For what a clash of the titans their leadership contest has become.

"The former home secretary who called the Rwanda scheme bats*** and is, of course, now pledging to bring it back.

"The former immigration minister who found himself too right wing to work with Sweller Braveman.

"The moderate candidate, the security minister, former security minister, who says that he acts on his principles previously demonstrated by backing Liz Truss to be prime minister.

"And then there’s the former business secretary, who claims that she became working class at the age of 16."


The decision to remove the heckler sparked a debate on social media.

One said: "Appalling to see a protester being so aggressively handled during Rachel Reeves speech.

"What the hell have politicians got to be scared of from someone protesting? Protest is fundamental to democracy. Lead them out, sure, but rough them up? Disgraceful."

Another commented: "Rachel Reeves is claiming Labour has changed. It would appear it’s changed so much that it can now manhandle and abuse those who dissent at its conference."