A teenager has been ordered to do 150 hours unpaid work after punching a Portuguese man after a night out in Watford.

Daniel Butterfield, 19, had been to Oceana night club and then onto McDonalds where a row broke out with Mateus Da Costa Rasterio.

Outside in the street Mr Rasterio was surrounded by a group of males including Butterfield, St Albans crown court heard today.

Prosecutor Geoffrey Porter said Butterfield struck Mr Rasterio and then others kicked and punched him while he was on the ground. He suffered bruises and swelling.

Butterfield was arrested and said: "I did it. I am telling the truth." He said he punched him first and others joined in. Mr Porter said none of the other attackers had been brought to justice.

Butterfield of Souldern Street, Watford, pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm on November 19 last year.

Richard Storey, defending, said Butterfield receives job seekers allowance and is looking for work. He said he was of previous good character, never having been in trouble before.

Judge Stephen Gullick told him: "Don't get involved in fights. Don't use your fists otherwise serious injury might occur."