A housing association in Three Rivers has given £12,000 to a project which helps unemployed people get back into work.

Thrive Homes gave the money to the Focus on the Future Project, which gives unemployed people skills for the workplace through voluntary work.

As well as benefiting the volunteers, the scheme, run by the Centre for Voluntary Services in Three Rivers, helps charities in the area find willing helpers.

The CVS in Three Rivers supports local voluntary and community organisations by offering funding advice, policy and good practice advice, low cost training and a volunteer centre. Jeanette Harley executive director at the Centre for Voluntary Services in Three Rivers, said: “We really appreciate this funding. It will allow us to keep the project running through 2012 as we look to help people get back into the workplace, using volunteering to gain new skills, experience and confidence.”

The project puts on regular workshops providing information on volunteering, including help in finding suitable opportunities. Afterwards, courses in CV writing, interview skills, confidence building and goal setting are available.

Some businesses in the area have also offered support by reviewing CVs and job applications and setting up mock interviews.

Sean Hughes, head of policy and communications at Thrive Homes, said: “Providing a grant to an initiative which aims to get people back into the workplace helps us contribute to the development of a sustainable and successful local economy.”

Earlier this year Thrive Homes gave £1,000 to Northwood Hospice Michael Sobell House, money which had been saved by not sending out corporate Christmas cards.

Geraint Hughes, corporate and trusts fundraising manager at Michael Sobell House, said: “It’s not every day that we get a phone call offering us £1,000. We really are most grateful for this welcome gift.”