A benefit cheat from Watford who illegally claimed more than £4,000 was fined and ordered to pay the money back.

Lee Lyons, of Osprey Close, pleaded guilty at Watford Magistrates' Court to failing to provide prompt notification when he started full-time work, in April 2010.

The court heard how the 30-year-old failed to inform Hertsmere Borough Council of his new job and, despite no longer claiming jobseeker's allowance, continued to receive housing and council tax benefit.

His Watford address fell under the jurisdiction of Hertsmere Borough Council, which carried out the investigation.

Lyons' failure to inform the authority meant he illegally received fortnightly benefit payments of £260, which totalled £4,277 by November 2010.

Appearing in court on April 28, he was fined £500, ordered to pay back the money and charged a further £400 for the prosecution's legal costs.