Unwanted plastic bags, tights and netting were transformed into bags today, as part of a project aimed at boosting recycling.

Crowds of people, young and old alike flocked to The Paper Trail in Apsley, for the scheme organised by Hemel in Transition.

Dee Fisher, 55, who helped arrange the event, has been using recycled materials to make clothing and accessories for the past two years.

The Boxmoor resident explained: “It all started as a hobby two years ago.

“Since then I’ve made a mini skirt and purses out of plastic bags as well as handbags out of unused umbrellas.

“I helped arrange this in order to pass on what I know about using recyclable materials.

“It’s challenging, more so than wool, but very good fun.

“And if we can stop people being wasteful by using their old materials – then what better.”

Strips of plastic bags, tights and netting were crocheted or knitted together to form little bags for visitors to store their Easter eggs in.

Friends Jessica and Holly, both nine, were among the would-be knitters.

Jessica said: “My grandma taught me to knit using wool, but this is quite a bit harder.

“We’ve been learning at school the importance of using recyclable materials, so it’s been fun making bags using old tights.”