A Samaritans group in Watford is hosting a series of open evenings in an appeal for new volunteers.

The South West Hertfordshire branch of Samaritans, in St Johns Road, is running three open evenings for anyone who may be interested in volunteering or just wants to find out more about the charity.

They are looking for 20 people to join their team of 110 in operating their 24/7 telephone helpline, drop-in centre and running several outreach projects supporting people in distress.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and preferably available during week days or weekends. They will be given 40 hours of training and mentoring.

The open evenings will be on Monday, May 9, Wednesday, June 8 and Tuesday, July 12, all starting at 7.30pm.

To book or for more information telephone 01923 233 614.