Over 150 people attended Watford Mencap’s AGM on Tuesday 5th October to launch its Diamond Jubilee Year. The charity, which was founded in Watford in 1951, will be celebrating 60 years of service in South West Herts during 2011. A series of events is planned for the year including a Diamond Jubilee Ball on January 29th, the Watford 10k run on May 2nd and a singalong Mamma Mia at the Watersmeet on November 2nd.

As well as conducting the formal business of the AGM, members and friends watched a film celebrating 60 years of Watford Mencap. The film, which will be released on the internet next week, tells the stories of two mothers of children with Down’s Syndrome – Isabel Backman, who came with her baby to South Oxhey in 1951 and Angelina Sclafani-Murphy, whose son was born in Watford General and is now 17 months old.

Those present also enjoyed the performances of Ian Kopelowitz and Michaela Dickinson, who performed three songs on a diamond theme and had the audience dancing in the aisles to their rendering of ‘Sweet Caroline’ by Neil Diamond.

Chair of the charity’s Diamond Jubilee Ball Committee, Chris Mellor of The Financial Management Group in Amersham, commented: ‘I thought the AGM was informative, enlightening and entertaining. I learnt a lot about the Charity that I did not know and met some wonderful people. I am glad I attended.’