A woman from South Oxhey has been fighting with a housing association to re-home her son for almost six years, after “severe mould” has spread across his walls, windows and furniture.

Dean Hickey, 31, has lived with damp and mould eating away at his Otley Way flat, damaging his furniture and clothes.

His mother Catherine, who lives in Culverden Road, said she has been battling with housing association Home Group to get her son into a different house.

“The flat itself is an extremely depressing and unhealthy a place to live in,” she said, “but he has nowhere else to go, and the severity of his living conditions have even taken a toll on his health.

“The flat has rotting windows, damp going up the walls and mould in many places. The water just streams down the walls.

“Now you can't even open the window, because if you do the handle will fall off. It gradually built up over time, even though it's been washed and painted over.

“My son has also had to replace no end of furniture due to the dampness soiling and destroying many pieces, he has also had to replace many of his items of clothing.”

Ms Hickey said she has tried to contact Home Group, who are based in Ruislip, a number of times in order to deal with the situation, but has had no success.

She said: “Despite our best efforts, the housing association are unwilling to do anything about my son’s appalling housing and living conditions.

“I am also very worried now as Dean is becoming very depressed having to live in such an awful flat and we are both frustrated that the housing association is not taking our complaints seriously.

“To add insult to injury all of the residents are required to make communal payments for living in the block. Nothing is ever done or improved to warrant such charges. It is absolutely appalling.”

Rachel Dunachie, from Home Group, said: "We were very concerned to see these photographs.

"This is a complex case as we have not been offered access to the property.

"We have now offered Mr Hickey alternative accommodation while we repair his flat, and are liaising with the local authority to explore these options further.”

Ms Hickey added: “As his mother, I have explored every avenue to try to get my son re-housed, which is what we want at this late stage for there is no improvements that can be made to the flat he lives in to make it habitable.”