A SURVIVOR of last month's terrorist attacks has called on Watford MP Claire Ward to take his concerns to the heart of the Government.

Gary O'Monaghan, from Watford, was on the number 30 bus in Tavistock Square when a suicide bomber blew himself up, killing 13 people.

As yet, Mr O'Monaghan has still not set foot on a bus or the Underground because of what happened on Thursday, July 7.

On Tuesday, he met with Ms Ward to share his ideas on the state of security in London and what should be done to make the public feel safe in the capital.

In particular, Mr O'Monaghan expressed his concern that intelligence chiefs have lowered the level of threat from further terrorist attacks on Britain, because they have no specific intelligence of an imminent strike.

Mr O'Monaghan said: "Although the state of alert has dropped since the July bombings, Claire said that this was not done secretly, as all the House of Commons knew about it happening.

"She said that while it was not always best policy to remain at the highest state of alert too long, more could be done to compensate for this reduced state of alert."

For full story see Friday's printed version of the Watford Observer.