The new London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, has decided not to call for a public inquiry into the Tally Ho arts centre plans.

Members of the Greater London Assembly's planning committee recommended on Tuesday that Mr Livingstone ask the Secretary of State for the Environment to call in the plans to an inquiry.

But Mr Livingstone decided against it because the vote on the issue was split equally and he had no formal power over the proposals as they were submitted before July 3, when he came into office.

Tory Councillor Brian Coleman tabled the request to Mr Livingstone along with fellow GLA member Darren Johnson.

A spokesman for Barnet's Conservative group said: 'We are surprised by this decision as issues such as the building's height and traffic concerns meet the criteria for the plans to be called in.

'We still say that the decision should not be made by Barnet Council alone and it should be more open to the people.'

Members of the GLA planning committee cited their concerns over the lack of affordable housing, height of the building and the level of car parking provision as sufficient for the Secretary of State to call a public inquiry.

Barnet leader, Councillor Alan Williams, said: 'We are delighted with the decision.

'It is the right decision and it has totally vindicated our actions.

'This issue has already been discussed with the Government Office for London when the scheme was being developed and they have always made it very clear they were happy we met the requirements for design and development.'

Barnet councillors were set to approve plans for the £65million complex at an environment policy development committee meeting last night