A campaign backed by thousands of Borehamwood residents has helped persuade the borough council to seek an immediate replacement for Borehamwood's day centre.

Hertsmere Borough Council this week announced it would try to find suitable premises which could be used temporarily to allow the service to remain in Borehamwood.

The facility, formerly run from Brook House, controversially moved to Bushey this month, where it was to stay until the borough built a new centre in the town.

But around 3,000 people have so far signed a petition, collected by the Save Brook House campaign, demanding the swift replacement of the day centre.

Save Brook House welcomed the council's decision this week, warning it may take several years before a purpose-built day centre is finally opened in Borehamwood.

Chairman the Rev Richard Leslie said: 'If we are not going to lose the day centre through dwindling numbers, then we need urgent action to be taken.'

The day centre catered for around 50 elderly people each day at Brook House, in Brook Road, until the residential home was closed at the end of June.

But many of those people are unhappy with the present arrangement at Heath House, Bushey, because it means a considerable bus journey to and from the day centre.

Council leader Stuart Nagler called for the borough and county councils, Ridgehill Housing Association and Hertsmere Primary Care Trust to discuss the issue.

He said: 'There are a few ideas around for a short-term replacement ,, the new Venue building could possibly accommodate them.'

Beth Kelly, chairman of Hertsmere Primary Care Trust and a borough councillor, said: 'I understand people want a day centre now, but if we are going to provide something that is good, and of service to the community, we will have to consult and find the best options.'

The borough council has £475,000 set aside to build a new day centre in Borehamwood, but it has so far been unable to find an appropriate site.

Councillor Frank Ward, leader of the Labour group, said: 'There has got to be a much quicker solution ,, I'm not going to sit back and watch these senior citizens being left out.'

Meanwhile, Save Brook House intends to deliver its petition, which also requests replacement residential accommodation for Brook House, to the Prime Minister next month.

The county council is considering providing new warden-controlled sheltered accommodation in Borehamwood, which could incorporate a day centre facility.