ENFORCEMENT of controlled parking zones (CPZ) in Watford on bank holidays will be reviewed in a few months time, councillors agreed last week.

Liberal Democrat councillor Rabi Martins urged in a motion to council on Wednesday, July 19, that parking restrictions, which include residents' only parking and single yellow lines, are reviewed urgently.

He said: 'Many residents have complained about the inconvenience and hardship that visiting relatives and friends suffer as a result of permit parking enforcement on bank holidays.

'They believe that for the purposes of parking restrictions, the same policy should apply on bank holidays as on Sundays.

'Council further notes that while an initial review of the CPZ was carried out, there has been no specific review of bank holiday arrangements which were not initially implemented as part of the CPZ.'

But Labour councillor Geoff O'Connell, chairman of the planning and highways committee, told the meeting there was little evidence that the scheme was causing such significant hardship to warrant a review.

He said he had spoken to the parking enforcement company Sureway Parking Services, who told him that of the 84 tickets issued on the last bank holiday, there had only been one complaint, and few residents had applied for their full allocation of visitor passes.

He said most Watford residents were now aware of the bank holiday scheme, which was introduced in 1998 in response to calls from residents and police who were growing concerned with the increasing popularity of shopping on bank holidays - and said it was those who lived outside the area who were being issued tickets.

Councillor O'Connell added: 'I'm advised that even in the past, when patrols were carried out by police, they were regularly carried out on bank holidays.

'It would cost several thousands of pounds to do what Councillor Martins wants.'

Labour councillor Gez Kelly suggested the CPZ scheme is reviewed with match day parking in six to eight months time.

The council plans to review the match day parking scheme, which bans non-residents from parking in roads near Watford Football Club on match days, following an agreed extension to the scheme - due to be implemented early next season.

Councillor Martins withdrew the motion provided Councillor Kelly's suggestion was implemented.