Two Palestinians jailed for the 1994 bombing of Balfour House in North Finchley learn on Thursday if their appeal has succeeded.

Supporters of Samar Alami, 33, and Jawad Botmeh, 31, were struggling to remain optimistic.

As British residents of Palestinian origin, their High Court appeal has provoked intense interest in the West Bank and Gaza Strip where they have family and supporters.

Samia Botmeh, sister of Jawad, said: "We're not very optimistic about their chances but still hope justice will be done because we know they are innocent.

"Since they were jailed a lot of new information has come to light but so far, the courts have not acted on it."

Miss Botmeh said that the case was seen by many Palestinians as a key test of Tony Blair's commitment to the Middle East peace process.

"Tony Blair has been saying the issue of a Palestinian state must be discussed as the only way to solve the problem," she said. "If the British Government can't act on this case then Palestinians won't believe Mr Blair was serious in his suggestions."

Lord Justice Rose, Mr Justice Hooper and Mr Justice Goldring were due to announce their verdict to the Court of Appeal this morning.

Alami and Botmeh claim they were wrongly convicted of car bomb attacks against Balfour House and the Israeli embassy, which injured 20 people.

October 31, 2001 17:46