A WATFORD martial arts school is celebrating its success after winning a clutch of awards at a national competition held in Watford at the weekend.

JSK Shotokan Karate school, which trains three times a week in St Thomas Church Hall in Langley Road and the Bill Everett Centre in Leggatts Way, took part in the JSK National Championships at Watford Leisure Centre and walked away with awards in a variety of categories.

Instructor Kevin Leigh 4th Dan said it was one of the best results the school has had. He said: "Normally the championships have always been dominated by teams from Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and London but Watford took a significant number of awards from these clubs.

"We also had the largest number of women in any squad - 18 out of 35.

"The club is going from strength to strength - we have the highest number of members so far and it keeps growing."

The winners were: Louise Morgan, 2nd place, fighting red to green belts (women); Julie Crawford, 3rd place, fighting brown and black belts (women); Kirsty Warby, 4th place, black belt kata (form), Nicola Rowell, Christina Small and Lisa Henderson, 4th place, three man kata (form); John Church, 1st place, fighting red and brown belt kata (form); Martin Black, 3rd place, fighting black belt; Vince Willcox, Martin Black and Ben Prichard, 3rd place, team fighting; John Church, 3rd place, green and brown belt fighting; Michael Rees, 2nd place, red and green belt fighting; Yannick Fouchet, 1st place, red and green belt fighting.

Anyone interested in joining the JSK Shotokan Karate school can telephone 01923 239303.

November 6, 2001 19:45

Caroline Graham