CONCERNED commuters saw a train divide in two at Moor Park Station on Friday, June 7.

This week, a spokesman for Chiltern Railways, which made the decision to split the 11.54pm train from Marylebone to Aylesbury, defended the incident as non-serious.

The spokesman explained the train operator made the decision to divide the train after its driver discovered a tripcock system fault, which caused the two rear carriages' brakes to activate.

The train was brought to a stop at Moor Park Station and a decision was made to separate the faulty carriages from the rest of the train, which continued on its journey.

Two members of staff stayed with passengers on the rear carriages until another train arrived to assist them. The remaining commuters arrived at their destination after a two-hour delay and were sent home by taxi.

The spokesman emphasised there was no threat to passengers as all signals were on red and procedures had been followed throughout.

June 11, 2002 17:30