PEOPLE in Bushey who use two wheelie bins because they produce too much household waste will soon face financial penalties.

Larger households and families are set to suffer at the hands of a new refuse policy introduced by Dr Spencer Pitfield and approved by the Hertsmere's Executive Committee, at a meeting held at the civic offices in Elstree Way, Borehamwood last Wednesday (June,12).

The new policy, which has faced firm opposition from Labour and Liberal members of the committee, states that all resident requiring a second wheelie bin be charged a one-off payment of £94.50.

The initiative which falls in line with Hertsmere's ongoing commitment to recycling more household waste, is designed to alleviate the health and safety problem posed by second wheelie bins, purchased from external retailers and used by residents throughout the borough.

The decision to provide a second bin follows a catalogue of incidents in which refuse collectors/operators have been injured or experienced difficulty in loading the bought bins made of a much lighter plastic, into the rubbish truck.

June 18, 2002 14:00