WOMEN who have vowed to get in shape in 2005 are invited to join a female-only running club.

A new beginners running course, organised by Rickmansworth Running Sisters, will start on Tuesday.

Debra Smith Gorick, club organiser, said: "What better start to the year than to run with us, keep fit and make friends as well."

The Running Sisters is a club for women of all ages, and has the motto "fun friendship, fitness and safety".

Beginners start out doing what is known as the "Sisters Shuffle" jogging at barely above a walking pace and gradually increase their speed and stamina.

The course starts on Tuesday at 7.30pm at the Mill End and District Community Association Centre, Church Lane, Rickmansworth. Just turn up or for further details telephone Debbie on 01923 778986 or e-mail gorick@btopenworld.com