Discover your creative side this half term with Trestle Arts Base’s weather-wise family day Explore! which takes place on Tuesday, February 16 from 10am to 4pm, and is themed to tie in with Travelling Light Theatre’s production of How Cold My Toes, on February 28 at 2pm and 4.30pm.

Suitable for the whole family, Explore! invites visitors to take a tour of this multi-purpose arts centre, which is housed in a beautifully converted 100-year-old chapel.

There’s also the chance to see Trestle’s famous mask workshop and have a go at making your own shadow puppets or enjoy a Story Tent session (pre-bookable at 10.30am and 1.30pm), with weather-themed stories and crafts.

Why not create a weather soundscape with rainmakers, instruments and other objects, and have a play with the lighting board to create atmospheric lighting. You can even present your own weather forecast.

Trestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, St Albans.

Details: 01727 850950,