A Muslim association in Watford has condemned the plans by a radical group to march through a town that has become a symbol for honouring the UK's dead servicemen and women.

Members of Islam4UK were set to march through Wooton Bassett, in Wiltshire, to raise awareness of the number of Muslims killed in the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan.

However, yesterday (Sunday), the group's leader said the march would now not take place.

Anjem Choudary said: “This does not mean that we will remain silent on the atrocities being committed in Afghanistan under the guise of fighting for freedom and democracy and it also does not mean that we will not continue to highlight the true cost of this war against Islam and Muslims called fighting terrorism.”

He also denied the group planned to carry coffins through Wooton Bassett and said the protest was not against the people of the town, who have lined the streets every time a dead soldier is brought home from Afghanistan.

Mr Choudary added: “Rather the procession is against the British regime and, in particular, Gordon Brown who has utilised the emotions of the ordinary families of soldiers to glorify the reasons why they were in Afghanistan stating that they died for freedom and democracy or to keep us safe back here in the UK which are evidently lies, albeit comforting for the families.

"Rather the presence of the US and UK forces in Afghanistan is a cause of instability in the region and a cause of insecurity back home in the UK and orchestrated to establish military and economic interests in the region regardless of the loss of life by the occupying forces.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown had earlier called the plans for the march “disgusting”.

The Watford branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, based in Tolpits Lane, aims to “spread the peaceful message of Islam”.

And they said the planned march went “against basic Islam beliefs”.

Mohammed Rafiuddin, president of the Watford Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, said: “We, as a community, believe that people have a right to protest against, and oppose the government policies, but it should be done in a civilized and sensitive manner. Also, Muslims are required by their faith to be loyal to their country and the government at all times. Such actions therefore, go against basic Islamic beliefs.

“The name Islam4UK seems to be reaction against the far right attempts to stir hatred and violence against Muslims in the guise of similar protests across the country.

“Whatever the motives behind such actions, they run contrary to the Islamic teachings of loyalty, tolerance and peaceful coexistence. For us, Islam4UK, Al-Muhajiroun, English Defence League, Stop the Islamification of Europe [and other similar groups] all represent the intolerance and bigotry against which all communities should take a united stance.

“The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK endeavours to promote better understanding of Islam among different communities in the UK.

"The Watford chapter holds regular peace conferences in the area to bring the peaceful and tolerant message of Islam to the local residents. Radical groups among Muslim communities are only a tiny minority, who get disproportionate media coverage, and that damages the public image of Islam and moderate Muslims in the country. The AMA, UK will continue to strive for improving this image through all means possible.”