Commuters in Rickmansworth are asked to have their say on planned improvements to the town’s Metropolitan Line Tube link with London.

A survey, from Rickmansworth and District Residents’ Association, is asking for comments on the launch of new trains and service changes expected in 2010.

London Underground plans to increase capacity by squeezing more passengers onto trains with fewer seats. An increase in the number and speed of peak time trains, however, will not happen once all the signal improvements to the London end of the line are completed – not expected until 2014.

Association representative Russell Carpenter said the group will lobby Tube bosses at TFL to make sure commuters’ needs and concerns are met.

He said: “We are concerned London Underground don’t really have their plans well organised, despite their assurances to the contrary.“ “They say the service will be better, but what exactly we’re going to get and when is all very uncertain. So we need feedback from commuters to make sure they know what’s going on”

The survey can be completed online at until Friday, December 19 or can also be collected from the town centre library.