Directed by Steve Buscemi, this gritty prison drama stars Edward Furlong alongside the great Willem Dafoe.
Said to be "a far more powerful and realistic work than 'The Shawshank Redemption'" (which is also a wonderful film), this is a gripping, unflinching look at the men caught in the US penitentiary system.
Based on the critically acclaimed novel by Eddie Bunker, it tells the story of two inmates: Ron Decker, a twenty-five year old issued from a wealthy Beverly Hills family serving a two-year sentence for dealing drugs and Earl Copen, a career criminal serving a twenty-five year sentence. Earl has the whole prison in his pocket, connections to all the guards and officials, so when he takes a (somewhat worrying) liking to Eddie, it isn't hard for him to ease his life in the tough and often violent prison.
But just as things seem to be shining a little brighter, an unexpected incident hurls Eddie straight back into hell and both men must face though choices if they are to survive.
A truly extraordinary film that takes us away from all the stereotypical views of jail life.
A hardcore, jagged insight with strong performances that (.......and here comes my typical punch line :-D) are sure to satisfy any viewer!
No, but seriously, this film deserves attention!!!
As Dafoe cleverly points out, is it truly "better to reign in hell than serve in heaven"?
Well, watch it and find out for yourself.