For the ninth year running, residents have been wowed by a Watford home’s spectacular lightshow.

Mark Andrews – aka Sparky –has put the display up in Jellicoe Road, with new additions each time, every time the festive season rolls around again.

It features 60,000 LEDS individually synchronised to dance along with the music from 4pm to 10pm until New Year’s Eve.

The show is run from batteries that are charged by solar panels in the daytime. (Image: Mark Andrews) This year’s new additions include count dazzlers, a 296-pixel North Star, the ability to take contactless donations, and a new design for the centrepiece ‘mega tree’.

Mark, who buys all the components himself, started creating the display 17 years ago as a “hobby” before deciding to take it to the next level and use the show to raise money for charity in 2016.

“A lot of our neighbours always told me that Christmas doesn’t start until my lights are on,” he said.

"When the lights are up, the next year's show is already being planned." (Image: Mark Andrews)

This year's Jellicoe Road Charity Light Show. (Image: Mark Andrews)

Donations can be made via the show's webpage here.

“It’s a dual purpose, it raises money and it bring life and laughter into the community really.”

Each year, Mark uses his four weeks' holiday to design and decorate props before putting everything up outside at the end of November. He also works on the sequences after work and at weekends all year round.

This year it is operating as Charity Light Show, with all donations going towards MacMillan Cancer Support, after raising £800 for Watford foodbank last year.

The show in 2022.The show in 2022. (Image: lightsforbitesuk) The show in 2023.The show in 2023. (Image: Mark Andrews)