Structures are often demolished before large-scale redevelopments take place – in some cases entire roads are consigned to the history books.

The Watford Observer has again joined forces with its friends at Watford Museum to look back at structures, objects or businesses from the town’s past that have either disappeared or been relocated and this week we remember Albert Street.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “Albert Street is one of a cluster of streets that disappeared when the Harlequin shopping centre (now known as Atria) was constructed.

“In the 1870s it was known as Albert Place and ran from the High Street, parallel with Queens Road, to Derby Road.

Albert Street in May 1987Albert Street in May 1987 (Image: Bob Nunn/Watford Museum)

“From maps it appears that eventually it's access onto Derby Road was restricted, although I am sure lots of students will have used the route as a way into the college on Queens Road.

“The photo by Bob Nunn shows the road’s High Street end in 1987, just a few years before redevelopment.

This is the entrance to what was Albert StreetThis is the entrance to what was Albert Street (Image: Google Street View)

“Today the entrance still exists and is next to 129 High Street.”

Visit the Museum Facebook page or website to see more historic photos.