Controversial plans for four new flats in Watford look set to go ahead, after planning officers recommended approval ahead of a meeting next week.

Applicant Mr Henry Peters is seeking to build the new homes on the corner of Lingmoor Drive in Loneswater Close, which would boast a "contemporary design with gable features".

The site's current usage, according to the application, is "storage of a large fire-damaged mobile home, sheds, and electric cabling".

Each flat would also have one parking space.

(Image: Architectural Design) However, the proposals have been hit with a string of objections from neighbouring addresses.

Common complaints centred around a loss of privacy and fears over added congestion to surrounding roads.

One objector wrote: "At the moment, the road space is limited as it is, for parking and driving vehicles. Large vehicles are parked on the corners and this will only continue and escalate the issue should more housing be erected."

They added: "I feel the area is already highly populated with housing."

The application has been called in due to receiving more than five objections from the public.

Despite these concerns, planning officers have backed the proposals ahead of the meeting.

In their recommendation they wrote that the plans "would not cause a significant loss of light, outlook or privacy to neighbouring properties and a good living environment would be provided for future occupiers of the proposed dwellings".

Councillors will discuss and vote on the plans at Tuesday's (November 5) meeting.