Two bungalows can be built on garden land in Carpenders Park after an appeal overturned the district council's decision to block the plans.

Applicant Tom McBride will be able to build the new dwellings on the land to the rear of 51-53 Greenfield Avenue.

Currently, the site is used as amenity space for two other bungalows.

(Image: Warner Planning) This had led to several objections when the plans were first submitted at the beginning of this year, with complaints focussing on overdevelopment of the site and loss of garden space.

One objecting household wrote: "We feel that the overall development & it’s location would lead to a cramped & overdeveloped feeling and appearance to The Courtway and importantly, lead to our property being overlooked. "

Planning officers agreed with this sentiment, refusing the plans in March on the grounds that it would cause "visual harm" to the character of the area.

Following the rejection, the applicant lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate to challenge the decision.

This appeal was successful, with the homes now set to be built despite the earlier objections.