Residents at a Chorleywood care home celebrated an important Hindu festival, with staff and residents getting into the spirit of Navarati.

Taking place  from October 3 to October 12, Navarati is an incredibly significant festival in the Hindu community.

Residents at Chorleywood Beaumont care home celebrated the festival, which entails nine days and nine nights of worshipping the Goddess Durga.

The festival takes place across nine daysThe festival takes place across nine days (Image: Barchester Healthcare) General Manager, Razvan Nica said: “Navarati is such an important event in the Hindu calendar, we have all really enjoyed finding out about it and the ancient stories behind the modern day festivities.

"Our Hindu colleagues told us about their Navarati celebrations and our team of chef’s prepared delicious Asian foods for us to try. Our residents loved seeing how all the different countries observed the festival and really enjoyed the food.”

It wasn't just Hindu residents who enjoyed the festivities, with resident Judith Wood saying: I think it is fascinating to finding out about different cultures so it was wonderful to see how Navarati is celebrated around the world. 

"The staff wore their spectacular outfits and danced for us, which I absolutely loved!”

(Image: Barchester Healthcare) (Image: Barchester Healthcare)