A 59-year old man has been jailed for 20 years after being convicted of sexual offences against a child.

Bharat Gohil committed the offences between 2010 and 2017 in the Dacorum area, when the victim was under 12 years old.

Gohil, of Rodeheath in Luton, was arrested in September 2021 after historical allegations of sexual abuse and child abuse were made against him.

Bharat GohiBharat Gohi (Image: Herts Police) In May 2022 he was charged with 14 offences, including four counts of rape of a child under 13 and numerous counts of sexual assault by touching.

He was also charged with offences of child cruelty relating to a second victim, which occurred between May 2004 and January 2017.

Appearing at Aylesbury Crown Court yesterday (October 7), he was sentenced to 20 years behind bars, given three restraining orders and an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order. He will also be on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Sentencing Gohil, Judge Sheridan described him as a "monster" who "enjoyed the terror that he instilled".

Investigating officer Detective Sergeant Adam Haines said: “We are pleased that Gohil has received this heavy sentence for such serious offences, and that justice has been served for his victims. The impact of his offending was far reaching, and this sentence rightly reflects the harm caused by him.

“I hope this serves as an example that sexual offences and offences against the most vulnerable in society are treated with the appropriate care and attention across the criminal justice system. These victims were brave enough to come forward about what happened and because of this, a dangerous offender has been imprisoned."

He continued: “I would encourage anyone who has been the victim of crime to report it to the police so that you can get the support you need from specialist officers and other partners.”