A Watford General nurse has been left unable to sleep and struggles to get to work after her car was stolen from her drive.

Herts Police have confirmed they investigated after a black Mercedes was taken from the driveway in Brickmakers Lane, Hemel Hempstead, at around 4.40am on Wednesday, August 28. However, “all lines of inquiry were completed” without the car being recovered.

The victim currently struggles to work, relying on lifts from colleagues or borrowing her sister’s car to get to work at Watford General, St Albans, and occasionally Lister Hospital, and has to ask family friends to take her children to school.

The nurse, who asked not to be identified, said: “I can’t sleep, any noise from outside and I’m waking up.

“I feel very nervous and unable to sleep in case these thieves come back to my house.”

When the Mercedes was stolen, it had her work name badge, work parking permit, uniform, and shopping inside.

The car number plate.The car number plate. (Image: Contribution)A doorbell camera at her home caught footage of the theft, which was sent to police. It shows a man and a woman getting into the car while it was parked on the driveway.

“To be honest I feel so anxious, so depressed and so let down – mainly by the insurance,” she added. “I feel like I’m being treated like a criminal myself.”

The Leverstock Green resident explained that she began dealing with her insurance company after police "closed the case", but they do not offer a courtesy car in the case of theft.

She was offered just £5,000, which would not be enough for close to a similar car. After making a complaint over the amount, she was informed the process could take around six weeks.

Any information about the theft or the Mercedes' whereabouts can be reported to police online or by calling the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference 41/71508/24.

“Any new information that comes to light will be acted on accordingly,” a Herts Police spokesperson said.