Drivers could face lower speed limits after councillors clashed over calls to introduce blanket 20mph zones.

Last night (September 25), Hertsmere Borough Council debated a motion by councillor Renos Georgiou (Potters Bar Oakmere - Labour) calling on Hertfordshire County Council to make 20mph limits the “new normal” in the borough, with some 30mph exceptions.

Cllr Georgiou said lower limits would ease congestion, prevent drivers using towns as “cut-throughs”,  and reduce road fatalities.

The motion was submitted motion by councillor Renos Georgiou (Potters Bar Oakmere - Labour).The motion was submitted motion by councillor Renos Georgiou (Potters Bar Oakmere - Labour). (Image: Hertsmere Borough Council) He claimed data showed 20 out of 22 local authorities who implemented the changes had seen lower road casualties, with an average of 29 per cent fewer. 

Vehicle insurance claims also reportedly fell by 20 per cent, which the councillor said would lower insurance premiums and save residents money.

Bushey Park councillor Maxie Allen (Liberal Democrat), who seconded the motion, said: “As councillors we get many emails from residents with complaints, but not many complain that cars drive down their road too slowly.” 

Bushey Park councillor Maxie Allen (Liberal Democrat) seconded the motion.Bushey Park councillor Maxie Allen (Liberal Democrat) seconded the motion. (Image: Hertsmere Borough Council) He added that people can currently drive at 30mph along “almost every narrow and unsuitable backstreet” and past "almost every primary school in Hertsmere".

Cllr Allen likened securing a 20mph speed limit from Hertfordshire Highways to “trying to pull very expensive teeth”, adding the the borough had “almost nothing to show” for the £7 million being spent on the four-year roll-out of lower speed limits.

Hertsmere Labour and Liberal Democrats want HCC to introduce more 20mph limits in the borough.Hertsmere Labour and Liberal Democrats want HCC to introduce more 20mph limits in the borough. (Image: Watford Liberal Democrats) ​Conservative councillors opposed the motion, including representative for Potters Bar Parkfield Lynette Sullivan (Conservative) who said she supported the lower limits where appropriate, but claimed the motion was “not specific enough and lacks local relevance”.

Councillor Lynette Sullivan (Potters Bar Parkfield - Conservative).Councillor Lynette Sullivan (Potters Bar Parkfield - Conservative). (Image: Hertsmere Borough Council)

Aldenham West councillor Caroline Clapper (Conservative) also warned the motion would “undermine local decision making” and said it was outside of the local authority’s remit.

Aldenham West councillor Caroline Clapper (Conservative) warned it could undermine local decision making.Aldenham West councillor Caroline Clapper (Conservative) warned it could undermine local decision making. (Image: Hertsmere Borough Council) “Hertsmere produced an excellent graphic on the responsibilities of the borough council which I would be very happy to share with all colleagues this evening.” she added.

The councillor called a blanket approach to speed limits “wasteful” and said a public consultation for a proposed 20mph zone in Elstree received just two responses, showing there was “absolutely no local demand” in some areas.

The motion was carried through by Labour and Liberal councillors while Conservative representatives voted against.