This high shop decorated to celebrate a royal occasion is still standing but it has a much plainer front nowadays.

The Watford Observer is delighted to share pictures from the archive at Watford Museum and this week we look back at this butcher’s shop.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “This rather fragile picture is of Fisher's butcher's shop which was in the market place at 78 High Street.

A view of the full exterior of Fisher's butcher's shopA view of the full exterior of Fisher's butcher's shop (Image: Watford Museum)

“It's not clear which royal event is being celebrated with flags, swags, and crowns but I would imagine other shops were decked out in a similar way.

“78 High Street is still standing (opposite Las Iguanas restaurant and numbered 76) and now has a much plainer façade.

The shop has a much plainer front todayThe shop has a much plainer front today (Image: Google Street View)

“However, even if Fisher's was still here, displays of meats hung outside would have ceased a long time ago!”

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