Hello, I’m Robbie, a 12-year-old Jack Russell Terrier Cross. I was previously adopted from the National Animal Welfare Trust but came back when my owner passed away. They were my whole world so I’m feeling lost without them and hope someone else will come to love me soon.

I form very strong bonds with the people I love, so I’m the perfect match for someone who’s looking for a new best friend to keep them company.

Being an older boy, I’d like to spend most my days curled up on the sofa with you. I’m perfectly happy pottering around the house and garden during the day with the occasional gentle walk.

As a senior dog, I’m a little stuck in my ways when it comes to some aspects of life and have a few personality quirks (all the best dogs do!), so I need my new owner to be experienced in how to work with me.

For example, I’m not keen on formal handling or wearing a harness and can ‘resource guard’ so my owner will need to be able to understand how I’m feeling and read my body language.

I’m looking for an adult-only home with no other pets. I’d like to live in a quiet area with access to a secure garden so I have lots of space of my own.

If you’re looking for a new companion and have the experience needed to care for me, apply today, I’d love to meet you! Email reception@nawt.org.uk or call 0208 950 0177 (option 2).