A six-storey block of flats is set to be built after an appeal overturned the decision to reject the "excessive" scheme.

Three Rivers councillors shot down plans for 36 one and two-bed flats, with retail space on the ground floor, at the former Alpine Press site in Station Road, Kings Langley, in April last year.

Councillors believed the building’s “elevated bulk and massing and excessive height” next to the railway station would damage the street scene.

They also took issue with the developer proposing “zero affordable housing”, and instead offering an agreement to pay the council £479,484 to provide affordable housing elsewhere.

The planning inspector’s decision, allowing the appeal, acknowledged that the proposed development would be contrary to the area’s development plan but said there should be a presumption in favour of sustainable development because the council is not able to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites.

Designs for a proposed block comprising 36 flats and retail space in Kings Langley. (Image: Wakelin Associates/Three Rivers District Council) Taking this into account, he said the “benefits would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the moderate adverse impacts on the street scene”.

A different scheme for the same site – proposing 23 flats and retail space in a four-storey block – was granted planning permission in June 2020.