Fewer than half of Watford dentists surgeries are accepting new NHS patients - while many others are believed to have lengthy waiting lists.

Labour had pledged to “rescue NHS dentistry” by providing 700,000 new urgent and emergency appointments with a focus retaining dentists to improve services in the long-term.

However, Watford surgeries are currently unable to offer any extra cut-price appointments as there are no more NHS contracts to apply for online.

Labour had pledged to rescue NHS dentistry.Labour had pledged to rescue NHS dentistry. Of the 31 dentists in Watford and the surrounding areas, 18 are not currently accepting new adult NHS patients, while the nine practices which do “when availability allows” do not always guarantee residents an appointment due to waiting lists.

There are also four surgeries which have not listed their options on the NHS website.

Dental hygienist and therapist Hayley Hutton, who launched Elite Smiles Dental and Beauty in Garston Park Parade in April last year, said she wanted to offer NHS services but was told there were no contracts available under the then-Conservative government.

Elite Smiles owner Hayley Hutton said it was frustrating that there are no more NHS dental contracts available in Watford.Elite Smiles owner Hayley Hutton said it was frustrating that there are no more NHS dental contracts available in Watford. (Image: Hayley Hutton) The 40-year-old surgery owner shared her frustration that she is still unable to offer any due to the lack of local contracts under the Labour government, despite “so many people” asking for them.

“The new government made all those pledges and promises but since they took over we haven’t heard a dot off anybody,” she added. “There is a massive demand for it in the area.

“We had an elderly gentleman come in and he’s paid into it all his life, so why shouldn’t he be able to access it? I feel quite sorry for people to be honest, if we can offer it then we’d definitely like to be able to.” 

The surgery owner said she had contacted Watford MP Matt Turmaine three times for help, adding: “It’s frustrating because we’re already trying to help the local community but it just seems so ridiculous that the Labour Party has sung and danced about getting NHS dentistry back on track and we haven’t heard anything.” 

Mr Turmaine said: “I understand the frustration of both dentists and patients with the current situation. After 14 years of Conservative chaos NHS dentistry, like so much else, is in crisis.  

MP Matt Turmaine said he understood patients' and dentists' frustration.MP Matt Turmaine said he understood patients' and dentists' frustration. (Image: Watford Labour) “Elected just weeks ago, Labour is pledged to tackle the problem with more appointments where they are most needed and will promote preventative measures especially for children. 

"We will reform the dental contract to rebuild NHS dentistry making sure everyone who needs an NHS dentist can get one, because that is where it has gone wrong."

Mr Turmaine added that he had written to Ms Hutton and was "looking forward" to meeting her to discuss the issue.

The Department of Health and Social Care was contacted for comment.