Controversial plans for a 5G mast near a South Oxhey school have been blocked for the second time amid hundreds of objections.

Vodafone had applied to erect a 17.5m antenna in Gosforth Lane under permitted development in July, just months after a previous application for a larger 20m aerial in the same spot was blocked by Three Rivers District Council.

But the prior approval application has been refused by district councillors on the grounds it would have “excessive height” and “appear as a visually incongruous, prominent, and obtrusive feature which would result in harm to the character and appearance of the street scene and wider area”.

Cornerstone had educed the proposed height to minimise visual impact and believed Gosforth Lane was still the best location for an antenna.Cornerstone had educed the proposed height to minimise visual impact and believed Gosforth Lane was still the best location for an antenna. (Image: Cornerstone) It was the third attempt by telecommunications infrastructure firm Cornerstone to install a mast in the area around St Joseph's Primary School, which it said would improve 4G and 5G coverage for the area.

The first application for a 20m tower in Ainsdale Road was withdrawn in April last year after a protest was held outside the gates and a petition was signed by 310 people.

Arrow between the first site, in Ainsdale Road, and the current spot in Gosforth Lane.Arrow between the first site, in Ainsdale Road, and the current spot in Gosforth Lane. (Image: Google Maps/Canva) The second unsuccessful attempt in January saw the mast moved to Gosforth Lane, around 100m away on the other side of the school but still 50 metres from its playground.

When the plans returned this summer, they sparked a backlash among South Oxhey residents including Labour councillor Steve Cox who branded the mast “unsightly and incongruous”.

Cllr Steve Cox called the proposed mast unsightly and incongruous. Cllr Steve Cox called the proposed mast unsightly and incongruous. (Image: Cllr Steve Cox) A Cornerstone spokesperson said at the time that it had reduced the proposed height to minimise visual impact and they believed Gosforth Lane was still the best location for an antenna.

Carer John Eastwood, 64, spent days collecting 660 signatures on a petition against the mast, which was handed into the TRDC offices on August 27.

John Eastwood collected over 600 physical signatures against the plan.John Eastwood collected over 600 physical signatures against the plan. (Image: Facebook/John Eastwood) South Oxhey residents also voiced their opposition in 517 objections online, with one comment lodged in support.

Many of the objections used a stock template which claimed the antenna would be “not in keeping with the local area and would not only be an eyesore but very intimidating to young children and older people as they look like something from a horror movie”.

It also warned that it would reduce local property values, making homes “harder to sell as a consequence”.

The objections also raised fears over alleged health risks from 5G radiation, although documents submitted with the application stated that research shows “no dangers” are linked to mobile communications radio signals when used “within guidelines”.

It is not clear if Cornerstone plans to resubmit the application for the fourth time. It has been contacted for more information.