Bed bugs have been filmed crawling around a homeless hostel room in Watford, as one resident said the nine month-long infestation has left him “emotionally shattered”.

Ketlie Manzi has lived at the One YMCA Charter House since August 2023, but said his problems with the insects began when he moved into a permanent room last December.

The 43-year-old claimed he spots up to seven bed bugs in his room every day and the infestation has not gone away despite five fumigation treatments.

Ketlie Manzi said the nine-month infestation had left him emotionally shattered.Ketlie Manzi said the nine-month infestation had left him emotionally shattered. (Image: Ketlie Manzi) One YMCA said a full cycle of chemical spraying has been done several times, as per recommended guidance, and further discussions will take place about him moving rooms.

“It's physically draining in terms of the bites,” Mr Manzi said. “Mentally, it has just shattered me emotionally. I have bites on my face that look like pimples.”

He claimed videos taken within the last week shows the insects climbing over his bedsheets and furniture.

Watch the videos below:

“They [YMCA] are constantly fumigating but they keep coming back because the bed bugs are in the carpet,” the 43-year-old added. “These bugs don't die. They still come, they're still here.

“I'm hearing from other residents that they have got bed bugs as well and we talk about it, but something needs to be done.”

Mr Manzi, who previously spent two and a half years in jail, said his experience living at the hostel was worse than being behind bars.

“For somebody who has been in prison, it wasn't like this. This is most definitely worse than prison. We can’t have visitors here and there are other restrictions.”

The windows at Charter Place were reportedly restricted over the summer.The windows at Charter Place were reportedly restricted over the summer. (Image: Ketlie Manzi) The hostel reportedly added extra restrictions to the residents’ windows over the summer, which asthma-sufferer Mr Manzi said has aggravated the problem.

“Now we have just an inch opening so you wake up in the night because of the bugs but then you can’t sleep because it’s so hot," he explained.

Ketlie says he sees around seven bugs a day.Ketlie says he sees around seven bugs a day. (Image: Ketlie Manzi) The 43-year-old has been homeless for over a year and half and would like to move into private accommodation eventually, but said he would be happy to switch to a different room at the hostel.

“I pay rent so I don't understand why there isn't a room I can be moved to. I'm just looking for a room with a proper window and without bed bugs. It's affecting my health physically and mentally."

A One YMCA spokesperson said Mr Manzi's allocated support worker has been asked to speak to him to discuss moving rooms.

They added that "a full cycle of spray chemical has taken place on several occasions in the room, as per recommended guidance when we have been informed there has been an issue. The supported housing manager will look into this further."

Regarding the windows complaint, they continued: "I can confirm that window restrictors have been replaced, as per health and safety regulations, due to the nature of the accommodation which is a tower block."