Watford's MP was given a "warts and all" tour of Watford General to see the urgent need for a new hospital.

A new "fully funded" site was promised by the Conservative government and committed to during the general election campaign by Labour.

However, the scheme has since been paused as part of a review of the New Hospitals Programme amid funding concerns.

Following the visit, Labour MP Matt Turmaine said: "I was determined to see for myself the hospital estate and really understand what is planned as part of the development – which has been consulted on and agreed and makes Watford the heart of the future of hospital healthcare in our area.

(Image: Supplied) "I’ll definitely be feeding this back to Wes Streeting and his team at the Department of Health and Social Care.

"The service that residents receive at Watford General is second to none."

He was shown around by chief executive Matthew Coats, chief nurse Kelly McGovern, and chief strategist Toby Hyde.

The Watford General board members briefed Mr Turmaine on the performance of the West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, while showing him around the main hospital site, accident and emergency, and the temporary buildings that need to be decommissioned.

Mr Coats said: "We very much appreciated Matt’s visit, the interest he has taken in the project and his strong commitment to building a new hospital. We look forward to working with the new government.

He continued: "The case for rebuilding Watford remains stronger and more urgent than ever. Our scheme is well developed.

"We have planning permission, have recently acquired the land for the new building and enabling work has begun to clear the site."

Redevelopment plans for the hospital are at an "advanced stage," according to Mr Turmaine's office, pending an agreement with the government.