Defence barristers want to look into Kyle Clifford's military records before he next appears in crown court accused of the murder of the Hunt family, a court has heard.

The 26-year-old from Rendlesham Road, Enfield, appeared via video link at the Royal Courts of Justice this afternoon accused of murdering Carol, Hannah and Louise Hunt at their home in Ashlyn Close, Bushey, on July 9.

Although a specific date has not yet been set, Judge Hon Mr Justice Jeremy Johnson KC set a plea and trial preparation hearing for late November.

Clifford will enter a plea against the six charges in late November.Clifford will enter a plea against the six charges in late November. (Image: Elizabeth Cook/PA Wire) Clifford, who now uses a wheelchair, was charged yesterday evening (September 16) with three counts of murder, false imprisonment and two counts of possession of offensive weapons, namely a 10-inch butchers knife and a crossbow, over the killings.

The court heard he used a "10-inch butchers knife" and a compound crossbow with the MXT405 serial number to murder the three women.

If he pleads not guilty, a four to five-week trial would take place in late February or in early March next year, as the time limit to keep him in expires on March 18, 2025.

During the discussion of when to hold the possible trial, defence counsel Christopher Millington KC asked for enough time to allow the defence’s forensic psychologist to request access to Clifford’s Ministry of Defence records before the next hearing.

The hearing was heard at the Royal Courts of Justice this afternoon.The hearing was heard at the Royal Courts of Justice this afternoon. It is thought the defendant served briefly in the armed forces under the Queen’s Dragoon Guards before dropping out in 2022.

The court also heard that Clifford is now a “wheelchair user” and that the Central Criminal Court would not be able to accommodate him.

Westminster Magistrates' Court previously heard he had shot himself with his own crossbow before he was caught by police in the Lavender Hill cemetery in Enfield the day after the killings.

Mr Justice Johnson KC ruled the next hearing would be held at Cambridge Crown Court as the defendant will soon be moved to HMP Norwich from custody at Hempston police station in Bedfordshire.

Kyle Clifford is now a wheelchair user.Kyle Clifford is now a wheelchair user. (Image: Herts Police) Clifford’s voice was quiet when he spoke only to confirm his name and address, as police had previously said he had a “voice injury” limiting how loudly he could speak.

He was wearing a beige jumper with a thick beard and longer hair than in the photo widely circulated by police during the manhunt.

His defence counsel did not apply for bail this afternoon, although Christopher Millington KC said the 26-year-old may wish to apply in the future.

At Westminster Magistrates' Court this morning, prosecutor David Burns told the court how police were called to Ashlyn Close by Hannah Hunt, who told them Clifford was in the house and had shot her, her sister and her mother.

Hannah, Louise and Carol Hunt were murdered at home in Bushey on July 9.Hannah, Louise and Carol Hunt were murdered at home in Bushey on July 9. (Image: free) "She feared she was going to die," he added. “The phone call then cut off. She managed to re-establish contact and call an ambulance before the call cut off again."

When police attended, they found the front door to the house open and Hannah in the doorway.

Tributes laid at Ashlyn Close in July.Tributes laid at Ashlyn Close in July. (Image: Newsquest) Inside they found Louise, who had also been shot while tied up, and their mother Carol who had been "stabbed with a knife and had suffered multiple injuries".

All three received medical attention but passed away at the scene, the court heard.

As well as the murder and offensive weapon charges, Clifford was also charged with "assaulting and unlawfully and injuriously imprisoning Louise Hunt and detained her against her will".