Two Watford shops have been caught selling alcohol to underage police cadets in an undercover operation. 

Seven Volunteer Police Cadets took part in a test purchase operation on Friday (September 6) which saw them try to buy alcohol from 10 licenced businesses in the town centre.

While the majority passed the test, two failed to ask the teenagers for ID to prove their age as they were aged between 14 and 17 years.

Officers spoke to the shops and the two stores that had sold alcohol to the cadets are now being investigated. The force refused to confirm which shops they were. 

Community Safety Unit Sergeant Karl Diggins said: “I’m pleased that the majority of the shops passed the test purchase operation. However, there is work to do for those who failed. Our senior licencing officer will be working closely with the stores to ensure relevant learning is taken on board and improvements are made.

“I would encourage licensed premises to please think twice before serving age-restricted items including alcohol and tobacco to a young person. If in doubt, ask for their ID."

He also praised the Watford cadets and said he hoped it gave them an insight into aspects of policing.