The work of amateur photographers is to be showcased at a new homes development in Kings Langley.

Homebuilder Bellway held a competition to find the best 12 pictures to hang on the walls of its Millworks apartment building in the village, where construction work is now complete.

It invited members of Croxley Camera Club and Hemel Hempstead Photographic Society, as well as sixth form pupils at Kings Langley Secondary School, to send in their pictures.

Among the photographs selected were idyllic images of the Grand Union Canal, the nearby Ashridge Estate, and a mural depicting some of the village’s most well-known landmarks.

But the winning entry was an eye-catching picture of a spiral staircase taken by Croxley Camera Club member Gordon Calder, who received a £100 John Lewis gift voucher.

Mr Calder, who lives in Rickmansworth, was presented with his prize by Bellway North London sales manager Zoe Dobbs and sales advisor Mark Young at the Millworks development.

Although he has not been able to attend the camera club for some time because of ill health, Mr Calder was told about the competition by club secretary Vanessa Lacey who chose some of his work to submit for judging.

Gordon Calder’s picture of a spiral staircase was the winning entry in homebuilder Bellway’s photographic competition and will go on display at its Millworks development in Kings LangleyGordon Calder’s picture of a spiral staircase was the winning entry in homebuilder Bellway’s photographic competition and will go on display at its Millworks development in Kings Langley (Image: Gordon Calder)

Mr Calder said: "I was really surprised to receive a phone call from Vanessa to say that I’d won the competition as I’d forgotten about it and especially as I didn’t know what images had been entered.

"As they say, you’ve got to be in it to win it."

Bellway North London sales manager Zoe Dobbs said: "Gordon’s picture is so distinctive.

"The development has been designed with a nod to the urban industrial buildings which used to be along the canal.

"The black and white style works perfectly with the subject, making it really stand out.

"And the spiral shape simply draws you in, it’s a very striking image."

"The 12 photographs are varied and beautifully composed and all are very deserving of going on display around the Millworks development."