Burglars smashed the back door to a woman’s house before grabbing jewellery and other items.

Herts Police have asked for information from the public after “unknown males” broke into a home in Uxbridge Road, Rickmansworth, between 9.20pm and 10.20pm yesterday (September 3).

They entered the back garden before smashing the glass door.

“Jewellery has been stolen from the victim's address, other items have also been taken,” a police spokesperson confirmed.

“If you or your neighbours have any information relating to this crime, or if you have captured any relevant footage on your CCTV or doorbell camera, please contact the police non-emergency number 101, quoting crime number 41/73531/24.”

Another burglary nearby

At around the same time, between 9.56pm and 10.06pm, there was an attempted burglary in nearby Old Chorleywood Road.

It was reported that a resident heard a noise downstairs and went down to investigate.

They spotted someone in the back garden and the suspect, a white male, ran off to the front where a vehicle was waiting parked in the driveway. They got into the vehicle and sped off.

Relevant information can be reported through the same channels, quoting crime number 41/73525/24.