Two teens have admitted stealing almost £3,000 worth of iPhones in Watford.

Brighton Magistrates’ Court heard allegations this morning (September 3) that two boys, 15 and 16, raided the Apple Store in atria Watford on September 25, 2023, for three smartphones worth £2990.

The pair, from Tottenham and Edmonton in North London, pleaded guilty to one count of theft from a shop and were released on unconditional bail with a referral order to youth justice services.

This means their offences will be dealt with in the community by a panel of volunteers and a justice system representative.

Also in court:

Zahir Khan, of The Thrums in Watford, appeared at Luton and South Bedfordshire Magistrates' Court on Wednesday (August 28) charged with two driving offences.

The 38-year-old admitted being behind the wheel of his Volkswagen Golf in Bedford on October 19, 2023, without a licence or insurance.

Khan was disqualified from having or obtaining a driving licence for six months due to his “repeat offending” and was ordered to pay £342, of which there was a £180 fine.