Anticipation was starting to build in the summer of 1989 as the building of a new swimming pool complex in Watford started to take shape.

It would be another year before Watford Springs was opened to the public and customers were able to fly down the flumes or take a dip in one of the pools, but on August 30, 1989 a Watford Observer photographer visited the Lower High Street site to see how work on the development was progressing.

Memories of the ‘flagship’ facility have always proved popular when we have featured them previously, reflecting how popular it was when it opened, but this is the first time in many years we have republished these images of Watford Springs in its earliest days.

(Image: Watford Observer)

Although it was loved by many people in the town, the leisure facility was dogged with problems from the outset and in October 2000 councillors voted to close it down and order its demolition.

(Image: Watford Observer)

(Image: Watford Observer)

(Image: Watford Observer)

(Image: Watford Observer)

(Image: Watford Observer)