More than £70,000 has been invested in improvements to Victoria Passage by Watford Borough Council.

The £76,000 funding, made possible through the council's Neighbourhood Grant, has seen the creation of an even footpath, ensuring accessibility for individuals of varying abilities.

Primarily the upgrade aims to enhance conditions for both walking and cycling.

However, it is not just about making travel more manageable; it is part of a broader initiative to encourage residents to adopt greener forms of transportation and contribute to a healthier environment.

Watford mayor Peter Taylor said: "I'm thrilled to see the significant investment in enhancing Victoria Passage.

"It is right that we prioritise accessibility and safety.

"I am very grateful to the local residents for their work on this scheme and pleased that we have been able to fund these improvements."

Last year, Victoria Passage also saw CCTV installed, due to £5,000 from the Neighbourhood Grant.

A council spokesperson explained the addition of the CCTV: "This initiative not only focused on deterring anti-social behaviour and crime but also serves as a deterrent for fly-tipping incidents within the area."

Victoria Passage Victoria Passage's new look (Image: Watford Borough Council)

Councillor Ian Stotesbury, portfolio holder for transport and sustainability, said: "Investing in public realm spaces like Victoria Passage is key to promoting sustainable modes of transport and enhancing the overall quality of life in our town.

"These enhancements will encourage residents and visitors to embrace walking and cycling, reducing congestion and promoting a healthier lifestyle."

The council's Neighbourhood Grant operates annually, powered by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) collected from developers of new housing.

Designed to mitigate the effects of development and bolster Watford's sustainable growth, the grant supports projects which directly address the impact of new developments.

The grant allocation process also aims to involve residents in the process.

The public had a say through a voting poll set up to demonstrate support for various projects.

More than 2,000 votes were cast, and successful applicants were chosen based on their ability to meet the CIL regulations and the council’s agreed Neighbourhood Grant priorities.

The next round of funding for the Neighbourhood Grant is now open.

For more details, and to learn about this year's projects, visit