Bosses at Random Café used funding to improve access for older people, young children and wheelchair uses.

The café and shop has benefitted from £9,840 in funding from Watford Borough Council that has allowed them to carry out improvements for accessibility.

A new path has been installed as the old path was uneven and prone to becoming muddy in rainy weather.

Funding has also been used to support the relocation of a water tap used for gardening purposes, which will eliminate the need for hazardous hose crossings.

Random Café has quickly become a popular venue for community initiatives and events. 

They offer food donated by supermarkets that would otherwise to go to waste, as well as selling fruit trees, plants and produce outdoors.

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Founder Jane Johnson said: “These improvements are part of the cafe's ongoing plans to improve the site, increase its accessibility and make Random Café as welcoming as possible for people across Watford.

"Each visitor that buys food from the café and/or shop is helping to reduce Watford's carbon emissions by reducing food waste, since 2017 the café has saved over 104 tonnes of food."

This recent grant follows a previous award of £7,323 received last year for garden accessibility and sustainability enhancements.

These improvements included levelling and compacting paths to accommodate wheelchair users and families with buggies, as well as the creation of a patio area for community enjoyment.

Peter Taylor, Mayor of Watford said: “The café and shop not only rescues food from going to waste but also acts as a vibrant community hub, hosting social events that bring people together.

"Similarly, the community garden serves as a popular green space for residents to gather, learn about sustainability, and combat food waste. With Random Café’s recent funding, it will only further enhance accessibility, ensuring a positive impact on both the local community and environment.”