A  father-of-two is "scared for his life" and that of his young family after vandals attacked his house and smashed up two cars parked outside.

The victim - who we have chosen not to name through fears of a reprisal attack - says he received two threatening phone calls earlier this month asking for money.

Thugs turned up at the property and attempted to break in through the front door at about 11pm on Thursday, August 22.

After the alarms on the door went off, they instead attacked two parked cars on the driveway, causing extensive damage to both vehicles.

Both cars sustained significant damage.Both cars sustained significant damage. (Image: Supplied)

Police attended the scene approximately 40 minutes later.

The victim said: "We were sleeping when we heard a bang from outside. I rushed out and by the time I got there, the cars were smashed.

"We were really, really frightened and terrified for our safety. My neighbours also feel threatened."

He says that he and his family are sleeping for barely an hour each night at the moment, forced to keep an eye out for a second attack.

The attack came after two threatening calls asking for money.The attack came after two threatening calls asking for money. (Image: Supplied)

The terrifying incident has left a mark on the whole family, including his two children. He added:  "Every day I worry that my life or my children's lives will be harmed."

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The family feel afraid to go outside, for fear of being attacked. They also worry about leaving their home empty following the incident.

The concerned dad added: "Whenever we go out we feel like somebody is going to attack us."

He urged the police to be more "active" in their approach to his case - pointing to the two threatening phone calls he received before the attack that had also been reported.

A spokesperson for Hertfordshire Constabulary said: "The incident occurred at around 11.07pm on Saturday 22 August where it was reported that an offender has approached the victim’s house and rang the doorbell. They have then reportedly attacked the victim’s vehicle, causing considerable damage to the rear and rear passenger window.

"It is believed that the offender has then left before police have arrived."