Proposals for over 100 flats in five-storey buildings have been branded an "eyesore" as the plans triggered 70 objections.

Housebuilder Kebbell Development has applied to demolish the existing office buildings west of Delta Gain, Carpenders Park, to build four new apartment blocks, as well as 518 square metres of new office space.

The developer said plans for 129 flats, which appeared on Three Rivers District Council's website in early July, represented an “opportunity for significant housing delivery in a highly sustainable location”.

How the redevelopment could look.How the redevelopment could look. (Image: Kebbell Development)

But the scheme sparked a backlash among residents as they lodged 70 objections and no comments in support, with many warning it would be an “eyesore” and “tower above” the surrounding two and three-floor homes.

A neighbour in nearby Penrose Avenue said: “One of the most appealing aspects of our area is its charm and character, which is devoid of high-rise buildings. 

Residents worried the five-storey blocks would be imposing.Residents worried the five-storey blocks would be imposing. (Image: Kebbell Development) “The construction of a five-storey building will destroy this view, replacing the current pleasant scenery with an imposing structure that is out of character with the rest of the neighbourhood.”

A spokesperson for Kebbell Development said the proposals for the brownfield site would "enhance" the area and reduce the need for green belt development elsewhere.

If approved by Three Rivers District Council, Kebbell would build 54 one-bed flats, 56 two-bedroom apartments and 19 with three bedrooms on the brownfield site.

The homes would have access to private gardens or balconies, while 1115 sqm of open space would be provided, including a playground for children up to age 11 and communal gardens.

Concerns were also raised about increased demand on local schools and healthcare services, as residents claimed St Meryl School in The Mead was “already oversubscribed” and getting a GP appointment was already hard.

Watford Rural District Council and the Carpenders Park Residents Association both objected to the plans over their proposed height and number of homes, which is almost double the number allocated for the site under the TRDC draft local plan.

The flood risk management team at Hertfordshire County Council also said it had “serious concerns” over the high risk of surface water flooding, while the highways department also recommended the plans be refused due to the lack of details on proposed transport arrangements. 

A Kebbell Development spokesperson said: "Three Rivers have a significant housing land supply short fall and our proposals on this brownfield site in a highly sustainable location will reduce the need for green belt development in the district.

"The proposed design of the scheme has been subject to extensive public consultation previously, we feel our proposals will enhance the area and provide flood mitigation.

"We look forward to working with the local planning authority and local residents to bring this plan to fruition, taking on board the local residents' concerns."